Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Most of the members of the team have a teaching position (192 hours a year) in Université de Lorraine.

Fatiha Alabau has a full time full professor position (Metz site);

Xavier Antoine has a full time full professor position at École des Mines and ENSEM;

Thomas Chambrion has a full time associate professor position at ESSTIN;

Antoine Henrot has a full time full professor position at École des Mines;

Bruno Pinçon has a full time associate professor position at Telecom Nancy;

Lionel Rosier has a full time full professor position at ESSTIN;

Jean-François Scheid has a full time associate professor position at Telecom NancyL;

Marius Tucsnak has a full time full professor position at (Nancy site);

Julie Valein has a full time associate professor position at ESSTIN.


  • PhD in progress : Chi Ting Wu, “Approximations des problèmes de contrôle optimal”, from 2012, Supervisor: Marius Tucsnak, co-supervisor: Julie Valein.

  • PhD in progress : Tatiana Manrique, “commande robuste de systèmes à commutations”, from 2011, Supervisor: Gilles Millerioux (Université de Lorraine), co-supervisor: Thomas Chambrion.

  • PhD in progress : Ibrahim Zambre, “méthodes numériques hybrides en diffraction haute-fréquence”, Supervisors: Xavier Antoine and Cristophe Guezaine (University of Liege).


Jean-François Scheid has been a PhD examiner for the thesis of S. Flotron - EPFL (Switzerland), april 2013.

Karim Ramdani has been member of the PhD juries Giovanni Migliorati (Ecole Polytechnique and Politechnico di Milano, april 2013) and of Alexandre Impériale (Paris 6 University, december 2013).

Marius Tucnsak was president of the PhD jury of Sarah MECHHOUD (Grenoble), referee for the PhD jury of Morgan MORANCEY (Ecole Polytechnique) and a member of the PhD jury of Pierre Lissy (Paris 6).